Since the Washington Post won't reliably keep their blog comments open, we have created this web site for individuals to comment on the work of the Post.
they are pissing away the legacy of katharine graham, and are the corporate faucets of the filth spewed out by Kraut-Hammer and Fwill... no acts of fawning and toadying can save their pitiful patooties soul-wise now...
John Stewart said it better than I ever could. "You are hurting this country". I know everybody is in the with us or against us mode now but really, the founding fathers thought a viable press was essential as a check on government and politicians. They thought it was important enough to put in the first amendment. You are an essential part of what has kept us free for more than two centuries through a Civil War, two World Wars and the Cold War and you are failing at you job at a time when we desparately need you.
The washington post is a publicly traded companyset up to make a profit. Hopefully for the Post's shareholders the people running the blogs haven't figure a way to contact the large amount of people who don't get the web. That is until some Veture capitalist figures out that the "leftwing "blogs have much better reporting than the mainstream media. And then buys out the Washington Post and puts four or five blogs in charge of politics and comentary. the standered two pages a day most papers reserve is too limiting. Five to seven pages a day would provide a newsjunkie like myself the oppertunity to read at the breakfast table,... and the bathroom! thanks for letting me talk M Oropeza
Here is the crux of the Howell/Abramoff/Republican scandal/Indian clients mess:
Ms. Howell insists that although (she now concedes) Abramoff gave no money to Democrats, he "directed" client money to both Republicans and Democrats. She claims the Post has documentation to prove this. The problem is that she does not distinguish between Abramoff "directing" client money to Democrats, and Indian tribes who happen to be Abramoff clients for a period of time, who have in the past contributed to Democrats--say, because they have better voting records on policy issues important to Native Americans--continuing to do so after becoming Abramoff clients, without or even despite his advice. How much did these tribes give to Democrats before becoming associated with Abramoff? How much did they give Democrats after retaining Abramoff--more? About the same? Less? This is the information Post readers need in order to evaluate Howell's claim that Abramoff "directed" client funds to Democrats. Why won't she provide it? Does she suffer from the racist notion that poor stupid Indians need a slick Washington lobbyist to help them decide who to give money to? That they are not capable of independent judgment? What's the story?
Dear WaPo, There are Americans in Blogland who truly, truly are fearful of what is happening in America. Facism is here, but we hope not to stay. History finds the heroes, the villans. Isn't there someone at WaPo who wishes to be looked on as a bright light? The little people are snowed and clueless (Facism works!). The Dems have Jello for spines--no hope there. You are not snowed (we know that you know). The Blogs are your DeepThroat.
Why, of all people, was Deborah Howell hired as ombudsman. She obviously does not like her role as reader advocate and thinks of herself as an op-ed columnist. She is fast becoming a liability for the WaPo and I predict she is not going to last much longer in that position.
I'm going to come at this from my role as a business consultant to Fortune 500 clients:
WaPo, you are really screwing up your brand name.
You are trashing your brand name.
Your star brand icon has been woefully tarnished (Woodward). He is embroiled in a criminal investigation, and, while there is no evidence he engaged in criminal activity, as an initially reluctant witness his continued association with the Plame matter will stink, from a PR perspective. And that probably won't go away. Thi is a long term corrosion because the story will linger, disappear, reappear, etc. through the legal process.
Couple that with his and the paper's close association with the DC political establishment, symbolized by your brand icon, but he's just the tip of the spear (or the iceberg).
Take a step back. Two big trends to see:
1. The number, depth and severity of the criminal investigations involving the GOP establishment suggest that history will turn, and this administration will be viewed very badly as years pass. The immediate term damage in the '06 and '08 elections may hurt the GOP, but the corrosion to their brand over time will be worse, absent a major party reform or a total collapse into power party fascism (unlikely, but possible). As the DC political watchdog of record during the Bush years, how do you think your brand will survive? Let's make this personal: how many WaPo careers will go down the toilet with the indictments to the administration?
2. The Internet is, as you know, fundamentally changing your business model, and your efforts to migrate your brand and get avertising online are not doing badly. But exposing your thin skins by shutting down comments and maintaining an ombudsman who is effectively your online brand extension and ambassador in place is a bad move. You'll have to bite that bullet sooner or later. You can recover your position, but the very existence of this blog is evidence of your failure so far. Many major corporations have suffered the existence of special community blogs of critics, and the ones who manage the process well more or less coopt their critics by creating open lines of communication with their communities and constituents. The left wing blog community is growing and growing, and it will not be long at all before effective, aggressive, coordinated action will be taken by the left wing to affect your advertising, if you continue to refuse to listen to your critical readers on the left. The right has been working on you for three decades, and now that there is pushback, you don't know how to handle it. Learn fast.
The solutions for you are simple in concept but difficult in execution. The hardest thing to do in a company is to make a significant alteration to its culture. Yours has grown a bit fetid. You have strengths: you have great people working for you and great traditions in journalism to draw upon, but recovering your brand in the face of the two major trends I describe will mean fundamentally shifting your reporting from an an effective "he said, she said" balance type reporting to more rigorous fact checking. It won't look "balanced" in the way popular journalism has come to define "balance." But it will be solid. This is the fundamental error Ms. Howell made, and since she has become an icon for the diminution of your brand, however fairly or unfairly, she will have to be replaced and the practice of "balance" journalsim she represents will have to go with her. The first is an easy step, the later, more difficult. The GOP establishment will unleash the furies on you if you reconceive your mission as telling truth to the public, rather than recording accurately the false assertions of those in power, unrebutted and unexamined.
If you want blogs like this to go away, and if you want to rescue your brand from the damnage it is taking and is poised to take if you continue on your current course, then you really need to take my advice to heart. This is just smart business advice. You've lost your way a bit during very, very difficult, changing times.
I think what’s pissing them off most (aside from the embarrassing shame of Howell’s lack of an integrity common among most decent reporters) is that there is so much damn good writing aws well as advocacy in those deleted posts.. There’s at least as much good writing in the 700 or so deleted (from Sunday 1/15 at 5pm through Wednesday, now restored they say) comments, as I’ve found in thumbing through the last hundred paper issues of the Post. I’m saving my tired wrists and fingers for the blogs and the web, the information is more reliable and less pretentious. Unless they fire the Howler and retract her lies, the hell with paper tigers like the Washington Post.
> The number, depth and severity of the > criminal investigations involving the > GOP establishment suggest that history > will turn, and this administration will > be viewed very badly as years pass.
Assuming for the moment that happens, I think about 18 months into the Feingold/Clinton/Clark/Gore Administration we will have our answer on motives. If the WaPo and NYT go back into "watchdog" mode and rev up the probes and attacks they launched on (W.J.) Clinton from 1993-2000 we will know what their actual agenda is.
PS Suggest you turn on Blogger's "5 letter graphic" verification mode to pre-empt some comment spam.
Check out the recent Bloomberg work on Abramoff donations. That is what real reporting looks like. It's the sort of reporting--analysis, context, original document research--that an ombudsman should be demanding from her reporters.
It simultaneously demonstrates your factual error, and highlights your failure to do your job.
I find it sad that the Washington Post and most of the traditional media refuse to recognize how their partisan and inaccurate reporting are damaging our country.
I do not pay for these publications or watch the programs for this reason. A widespread refusal by the public to do so may be why the traditional media has become so one-sided and deceitful. It must cater to corporations headed by hateful, biased and narrow-minded people in order to get the advertising dollars necessary for its survival.
Everyday I email Ms. Howell and remind her what a lying nut she is{ I don't want her to forget}!! Every day I email the Wash. Post and tell them they should fire their lying nut{I don't want them to forget}!! Every day I get no answer. I even asked the Post if they or any of their employees were recieving taxpayer money from the bush administration for all the water they tote for them!! Still no answer!! I take it that they are being as they didn't bother to deny it!! Such crooks!! Yesterday evening I watched ole Wolf Blitzer try his best to get Harry Belafonta to say that george bush was not the worlds worst terrorist But, alas, Harry stuck to his guns and refused to back down!! Good for Harry!! I emailed cnn and suggested they fire Wolf and replace him with Harry!! I haven't heard back from them yet, but am sure they will give my suggestion some thought!! Ole Wolf could always go to work for the Wash. Post!! They love liars!! Gotta go now now, it's about time to fire off another email to Ms. Howell and the Wash Post again!!
> Everyday I email Ms. Howell and remind > her what a lying nut she is{ I don't > want her to forget}!! Every day I email > the Wash. Post and tell them they > should fire their lying nut{I don't > want them to forget}!! Every day I get > no answer. I even asked the Post if > they or any of their employees were > recieving taxpayer money from the bush > administration for all the water they > tote for them!! Still no answer!!
Well, I don't know what the actual tone and substance of your letters are, but if they are similar to this message do you honestly think that any self-respecting professional or organization would reply to them? If so, why? Do you enjoy being called a "liar" if you believe you have a basis for your stance on an issue?
Dear Cranky: Yes my letters to Ms. Howell and the Wash. Post are very similar to what I posted here earlier! I just don't like to use words like "untruths' and "misleading"! I like to call a spade, a spade!! A lie by any other name is still a lie!! No, I don't enjoy being called a liar, because I'm not!! Remember, I'm not the one who said that Abramoff gave money to democrats!! Get it!! So put that in your pipe and smoke it and go find someone else to be cranky with!!
Abramoff laundered donations from his clients for the GOP and gave $0 to Democrats.
One might say Abramoff & Osama BL gave to the Republicans. It's equally as correct as what the WaPo has stated time and time again in the last week and a half. No wonder the MSM is losing all credibility.
Well, I'm here because the WaPo cancelled Jane's DC trip because they apparently viewed her as insufficiently docile. I wish I subscribed to the newspaper so that I could cancel my subscription. The Post is making the NYT look pretty good all of a sudden.
As a longtime Washington Post subscriber, I am appalled at what has become of your paper. It's time for your reporters to show that they are not just there to serve as mouthpieces for those offering the best spin. This Administration has you and much of the media in its pocket--when are you going to get mad over been misused?
As for Ms. Howell--her columns have been a travesty. When is she going to understand her role is to hold the Post accountable, and when is she going to start doing her homework?
The editorial board is another matter altogether. Mr. Hiatt and company just don'r seem able to tell truth to power.
Please Post this article from The Prospect Right At the Top So It Won't Be Missed!
New study completed by Dwight L. Morris and Associates, a nonpartisan organization, which analyses Jack Abramoff's clients' donations. The results are clear: The Abramoff scandal is not "bi-partisan" at all. Not only did Abramoff not personally give money to Democrats, but proves he did not "direct" his clients to give money to Democrats either. The study was commissioned by The Prospect magazine. The analysis shows:
in total, the donations of Abramoff’s tribal clients to Democrats dropped by nine percent after they hired him, while their donations to Republicans more than doubled, increasing by 135 percent after they signed him up;
five out of seven of Abramoff’s tribal clients vastly favored Republican candidates over Democratic ones;
four of the seven began giving substantially more to Republicans than Democrats after he took them on;
Abramoff’s clients gave well over twice as much to Republicans than Democrats, while tribes not affiliated with Abramoff gave well over twice as much to Democrats than the GOP -- exactly the reverse pattern.
“It’s very hard to see the donations of Abramoff’s clients as a bipartisan greasing of the wheels,” Morris, the firm’s founder and a former investigations editor at the Los Angeles Times, told The Prospect.
The Prospect asked Morris to do two things: First, compare the contributions of all of Abramoff’s tribal clients before they’d signed on with Abramoff versus after they’d become his client. And second, compare the contributions of all Abramoff tribal clients with the contributions of all non-Abramoff tribes....
Please Ms Howell have your self an Oprah moment.Read the following: A new, non-partisan study has confirmed what Bloomberg has long been asserting -- donations by Casino Jack's victims, the Indian Tribes, to Democrats suggest he was not, in fact, "directing" money their way: The analysis shows that when Abramoff took on his tribal clients, the majority of them dramatically ratcheted up donations to Republicans. Meanwhile, donations to Democrats from the same clients either dropped, remained largely static or, in two cases, rose by a far smaller percentage than the ones to Republicans did. This pattern suggests that whatever money went to Democrats, rather than having been steered by Abramoff, may have largely been money the tribes would have given anyway. (my emphasis)
Did Jack Abramoff direct money to Democrats in equal measure as he did to Republicans?
Obviously not.
Did he influence his clients to give their money to Democrats in equal measure as to Republicans?
Obviously not.
Does this mean Democrats are snow-white, ethically pure, and above criticism?
No, it doesn't.
But it means that Abramoff gave more money to the GOP, and directed his clients' money to the GOP.
Did Abramoff get something in return for this largesse?
The lawyers will argue this out, and the judge and jury will decide. If they find Abramoff guilty of breaking the law, I hope they put him--and the recipients of his cash--in the stripey hole for a long, long, time.
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The WaPo sucks anymore. Plain & simple. No credibility. Political hack.
they are pissing away the legacy of katharine graham, and are the corporate faucets of the filth spewed out by Kraut-Hammer and Fwill... no acts of fawning and toadying can save their pitiful patooties soul-wise now...
John Stewart said it better than I ever could. "You are hurting this country". I know everybody is in the with us or against us mode now but really, the founding fathers thought a viable press was essential as a check on government and politicians. They thought it was important enough to put in the first amendment. You are an essential part of what has kept us free for more than two centuries through a Civil War, two World Wars and the Cold War and you are failing at you job at a time when we desparately need you.
The washington post is a publicly traded companyset up to make a profit. Hopefully for the Post's shareholders the people running the blogs haven't figure a way to contact the large amount of people who don't get the web. That is until some Veture capitalist figures out that the "leftwing "blogs have much better reporting than the mainstream media. And then buys out the Washington Post and puts four or five blogs in charge of politics and comentary. the standered two pages a day most papers reserve is too limiting. Five to seven pages a day would provide a newsjunkie like myself the oppertunity to read at the breakfast table,... and the bathroom! thanks for letting me talk M Oropeza
The Indians gave Jack Abramoff money who gave it to Republicans.
The Indians gave money to the Democrats.
Here is the crux of the Howell/Abramoff/Republican scandal/Indian clients mess:
Ms. Howell insists that although (she now concedes) Abramoff gave no money to Democrats, he "directed" client money to both Republicans and Democrats. She claims the Post has documentation to prove this. The problem is that she does not distinguish between Abramoff "directing" client money to Democrats, and Indian tribes who happen to be Abramoff clients for a period of time, who have in the past contributed to Democrats--say, because they have better voting records on policy issues important to Native Americans--continuing to do so after becoming Abramoff clients, without or even despite his advice. How much did these tribes give to Democrats before becoming associated with Abramoff? How much did they give Democrats after retaining Abramoff--more? About the same? Less? This is the information Post readers need in order to evaluate Howell's claim that Abramoff "directed" client funds to Democrats. Why won't she provide it? Does she suffer from the racist notion that poor stupid Indians need a slick Washington lobbyist to help them decide who to give money to? That they are not capable of independent judgment? What's the story?
Dear WaPo,
There are Americans in Blogland who truly, truly are fearful of what is happening in America. Facism is here, but we hope not to stay. History finds the heroes, the villans. Isn't there someone at WaPo who wishes to be looked on as a bright light? The little people are snowed and clueless (Facism works!). The Dems have Jello for spines--no hope there. You are not snowed (we know that you know). The Blogs are your DeepThroat.
Who's got spine at WaPo?
Oh, and before I forget, I'm going to add this site to my directory of "favorites."
Why, of all people, was Deborah Howell hired as ombudsman. She obviously does not like her role as reader advocate and thinks of herself as an op-ed columnist.
She is fast becoming a liability for the WaPo and I predict she is not going to last much longer in that position.
I'm going to come at this from my role as a business consultant to Fortune 500 clients:
WaPo, you are really screwing up your brand name.
You are trashing your brand name.
Your star brand icon has been woefully tarnished (Woodward). He is embroiled in a criminal investigation, and, while there is no evidence he engaged in criminal activity, as an initially reluctant witness his continued association with the Plame matter will stink, from a PR perspective. And that probably won't go away. Thi is a long term corrosion because the story will linger, disappear, reappear, etc. through the legal process.
Couple that with his and the paper's close association with the DC political establishment, symbolized by your brand icon, but he's just the tip of the spear (or the iceberg).
Take a step back. Two big trends to see:
1. The number, depth and severity of the criminal investigations involving the GOP establishment suggest that history will turn, and this administration will be viewed very badly as years pass. The immediate term damage in the '06 and '08 elections may hurt the GOP, but the corrosion to their brand over time will be worse, absent a major party reform or a total collapse into power party fascism (unlikely, but possible). As the DC political watchdog of record during the Bush years, how do you think your brand will survive? Let's make this personal: how many WaPo careers will go down the toilet with the indictments to the administration?
2. The Internet is, as you know, fundamentally changing your business model, and your efforts to migrate your brand and get avertising online are not doing badly. But exposing your thin skins by shutting down comments and maintaining an ombudsman who is effectively your online brand extension and ambassador in place is a bad move. You'll have to bite that bullet sooner or later. You can recover your position, but the very existence of this blog is evidence of your failure so far. Many major corporations have suffered the existence of special community blogs of critics, and the ones who manage the process well more or less coopt their critics by creating open lines of communication with their communities and constituents. The left wing blog community is growing and growing, and it will not be long at all before effective, aggressive, coordinated action will be taken by the left wing to affect your advertising, if you continue to refuse to listen to your critical readers on the left. The right has been working on you for three decades, and now that there is pushback, you don't know how to handle it. Learn fast.
The solutions for you are simple in concept but difficult in execution. The hardest thing to do in a company is to make a significant alteration to its culture. Yours has grown a bit fetid. You have strengths: you have great people working for you and great traditions in journalism to draw upon, but recovering your brand in the face of the two major trends I describe will mean fundamentally shifting your reporting from an an effective "he said, she said" balance type reporting to more rigorous fact checking. It won't look "balanced" in the way popular journalism has come to define "balance." But it will be solid. This is the fundamental error Ms. Howell made, and since she has become an icon for the diminution of your brand, however fairly or unfairly, she will have to be replaced and the practice of "balance" journalsim she represents will have to go with her. The first is an easy step, the later, more difficult. The GOP establishment will unleash the furies on you if you reconceive your mission as telling truth to the public, rather than recording accurately the false assertions of those in power, unrebutted and unexamined.
If you want blogs like this to go away, and if you want to rescue your brand from the damnage it is taking and is poised to take if you continue on your current course, then you really need to take my advice to heart. This is just smart business advice. You've lost your way a bit during very, very difficult, changing times.
Here's to hoping you can adapt.
The Howling
I think what’s pissing them off most (aside from the embarrassing shame of Howell’s lack of an integrity common among most decent reporters) is that there is so much damn good writing aws well as advocacy in those deleted posts.. There’s at least as much good writing in the 700 or so deleted (from Sunday 1/15 at 5pm through Wednesday, now restored they say) comments, as I’ve found in thumbing through the last hundred paper issues of the Post. I’m saving my tired wrists and fingers for the blogs and the web, the information is more reliable and less pretentious. Unless they fire the Howler and retract her lies, the hell with paper tigers like the Washington Post.
the cubist
> The number, depth and severity of the
> criminal investigations involving the
> GOP establishment suggest that history
> will turn, and this administration will
> be viewed very badly as years pass.
Assuming for the moment that happens, I think about 18 months into the Feingold/Clinton/Clark/Gore Administration we will have our answer on motives. If the WaPo and NYT go back into "watchdog" mode and rev up the probes and attacks they launched on (W.J.) Clinton from 1993-2000 we will know what their actual agenda is.
PS Suggest you turn on Blogger's "5 letter graphic" verification mode to pre-empt some comment spam.
Ms. Howell:
Check out the recent Bloomberg work on Abramoff donations. That is what real reporting looks like. It's the sort of reporting--analysis, context, original document research--that an ombudsman should be demanding from her reporters.
It simultaneously demonstrates your factual error, and highlights your failure to do your job.
Thank you for the forum.
I find it sad that the Washington Post and most of the traditional media refuse to recognize how their partisan and inaccurate reporting are damaging our country.
I do not pay for these publications or watch the programs for this reason. A widespread refusal by the public to do so may be why the traditional media has become so one-sided and deceitful. It must cater to corporations headed by hateful, biased and narrow-minded people in order to get the advertising dollars necessary for its survival.
I do not buy their products either.
Everyday I email Ms. Howell and remind her what a lying nut she is{ I don't want her to forget}!! Every day I email the Wash. Post and tell them they should fire their lying nut{I don't want them to forget}!! Every day I get no answer. I even asked the Post if they or any of their employees were recieving taxpayer money from the bush administration for all the water they tote for them!! Still no answer!! I take it that they are being as they didn't bother to deny it!! Such crooks!!
Yesterday evening I watched ole Wolf Blitzer try his best to get Harry Belafonta to say that george bush was not the worlds worst terrorist But, alas, Harry stuck to his guns and refused to back down!! Good for Harry!! I emailed cnn and suggested they fire Wolf and replace him with Harry!! I haven't heard back from them yet, but am sure they will give my suggestion some thought!! Ole Wolf could always go to work for the Wash. Post!! They love liars!!
Gotta go now now, it's about time to fire off another email to Ms. Howell and the Wash Post again!!
> Everyday I email Ms. Howell and remind
> her what a lying nut she is{ I don't
> want her to forget}!! Every day I email
> the Wash. Post and tell them they
> should fire their lying nut{I don't
> want them to forget}!! Every day I get
> no answer. I even asked the Post if
> they or any of their employees were
> recieving taxpayer money from the bush
> administration for all the water they
> tote for them!! Still no answer!!
Well, I don't know what the actual tone and substance of your letters are, but if they are similar to this message do you honestly think that any self-respecting professional or organization would reply to them? If so, why? Do you enjoy being called a "liar" if you believe you have a basis for your stance on an issue?
Dear Cranky: Yes my letters to Ms. Howell and the Wash. Post are very similar to what I posted here earlier! I just don't like to use words like "untruths' and "misleading"! I like to call a spade, a spade!! A lie by any other name is still a lie!! No, I don't enjoy being called a liar, because I'm not!! Remember, I'm not the one who said that Abramoff gave money to democrats!! Get it!! So put that in your pipe and smoke it and go find someone else to be cranky with!!
Abramoff laundered donations from his clients for the GOP and gave $0 to Democrats.
One might say Abramoff & Osama BL gave to the Republicans. It's equally as correct as what the WaPo has stated time and time again in the last week and a half. No wonder the MSM is losing all credibility.
Well, I'm here because the WaPo cancelled Jane's DC trip because they apparently viewed her as insufficiently docile. I wish I subscribed to the newspaper so that I could cancel my subscription. The Post is making the NYT look pretty good all of a sudden.
Wendy in Oakland
As a longtime Washington Post subscriber, I am appalled at what has become of your paper. It's time for your reporters to show that they are not just there to serve as mouthpieces for those offering the best spin. This Administration has you and much of the media in its pocket--when are you going to get mad over been misused?
As for Ms. Howell--her columns have been a travesty. When is she going to understand her role is to hold the Post accountable, and when is she going to start doing her homework?
The editorial board is another matter altogether. Mr. Hiatt and company just don'r seem able to tell truth to power.
A sad, sad state of affairs....
I can't imagine what a woman who eats her own shit must smell like.
Please Post this article from The Prospect Right At the Top So It Won't Be Missed!
New study completed by Dwight L. Morris and Associates, a nonpartisan organization, which analyses Jack Abramoff's clients' donations. The results are clear: The Abramoff scandal is not "bi-partisan" at all. Not only did Abramoff not personally give money to Democrats, but proves he did not "direct" his clients to give money to Democrats either. The study was commissioned by The Prospect magazine.
The analysis shows:
in total, the donations of Abramoff’s tribal clients to Democrats dropped by nine percent after they hired him, while their donations to Republicans more than doubled, increasing by 135 percent after they signed him up;
five out of seven of Abramoff’s tribal clients vastly favored Republican candidates over Democratic ones;
four of the seven began giving substantially more to Republicans than Democrats after he took them on;
Abramoff’s clients gave well over twice as much to Republicans than Democrats, while tribes not affiliated with Abramoff gave well over twice as much to Democrats than the GOP -- exactly the reverse pattern.
“It’s very hard to see the donations of Abramoff’s clients as a bipartisan greasing of the wheels,” Morris, the firm’s founder and a former investigations editor at the Los Angeles Times, told The Prospect.
The Prospect asked Morris to do two things: First, compare the contributions of all of Abramoff’s tribal clients before they’d signed on with Abramoff versus after they’d become his client. And second, compare the contributions of all Abramoff tribal clients with the contributions of all non-Abramoff tribes....
Graphs and Stats and Full Article at:
Please Ms Howell have your self an Oprah moment.Read the following: A new, non-partisan study has confirmed what Bloomberg has long been asserting -- donations by Casino Jack's victims, the Indian Tribes, to Democrats suggest he was not, in fact, "directing" money their way:
The analysis shows that when Abramoff took on his tribal clients, the majority of them dramatically ratcheted up donations to Republicans. Meanwhile, donations to Democrats from the same clients either dropped, remained largely static or, in two cases, rose by a far smaller percentage than the ones to Republicans did. This pattern suggests that whatever money went to Democrats, rather than having been steered by Abramoff, may have largely been money the tribes would have given anyway. (my emphasis)
Did Jack Abramoff direct money to Democrats in equal measure as he did to Republicans?
Obviously not.
Did he influence his clients to give their money to Democrats in equal measure as to Republicans?
Obviously not.
Does this mean Democrats are snow-white, ethically pure, and above criticism?
No, it doesn't.
But it means that Abramoff gave more money to the GOP, and directed his clients' money to the GOP.
Did Abramoff get something in return for this largesse?
The lawyers will argue this out, and the judge and jury will decide. If they find Abramoff guilty of breaking the law, I hope they put him--and the recipients of his cash--in the stripey hole for a long, long, time.
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When choosing a trustworthy online casino there are many factors you need to consider. Just because one of the great number of online casinos existent today has impressive graphics, games and offers a wide diversity of bonuses, it doesnt mean its a fair and licensed one. Of course, such cases are rare, and, since today there are hundreds of reputable virtual casinos one can choose from, the most important criteria when deciding which one to play at is what they offer.
The first bonus you can get when you first open an account at a casino is the sign up bonus most casinos offer, an encouraging bonus of at least $25, but it may often be higher than $500. Some casinos even match your first deposit, meaning they double it, for free.
Many casinos also offer hundreds of dollars worth bonuses for new players and, if you're the one who brings other friends to the casino, things are even better than that. Most casinos offer a refer a friend bonus and, the more friends you have, the more fortunate you will get. For each friend you refer to the casino, you will get up to $1000, for each friend that they refer, you'll earn up to $300 and, furthermore, for each person that your friend's friends refer, you will earn up to $100. Once you are confident that particular casino is a reliable one, bring as many of your friends as you can to the casino and you'll have all the reasons to enjoy their games. The only thing you need to pay attention to afterwards is to handle the money wisely and not risk it all in a single bet, however confident you may be.
And most casinos give you an alternative to this. They offer you the chance to practice for free at first, and they also give you money to do that, so, it's practically free and you have nothing to lose. When you find the right casino you'll know it from the first time you play there. From then on, they will remind you how important you are to them by giving you special bonuses every month. These bonuses are somewhere around $100 and even higher and they reward you for being a loyal customer. These casinos also offer the so called comp points that accumulate throughout the course of the games you play and at certain points they turn into real money and, depending how long you have been playing at that casino, you may win lots of money.
The most important bonuses casinos offer are the jackpots and prizes you can win at their games. Casinos reward players with millions of dollars each day for their gaming skills. Tournaments and regular casino games are most profitable for gamblers. Only one progressive jackpot, for one single game of slots, for instance, can be of over $ 2 million. And it's only a matter of seconds and a bit of luck to win it.
Most casinos don't need a special occasion to give bonuses. They offer bonuses for the players third and fourth deposits, for being loyal to the casino, or just for being at a table at a certain time. So, it’s only a matter of finding the right casino and from there on, bonuses will keep coming to you. The only problem is that if you don't have a proper money management you won't treasure what you win, it will go away as easily as it came. We may all want those bonuses, but do we know what to do with them and how much of it we should risk in our next bet?
A guy at work recommends the following Casino Gaming Sites, (the trick is to sign up to each and get your startup bonuses) once you have played each one for a while you will get to know which one suits your style of play and which is therefore the most profitable one for you.
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